30 Day Challenge

The 30 Day  Challenge
The scripture tells us God framed the worlds with His words and we are created in His image (Heb 11:2-4 Gen 1:27). Since we are created in His image, He expects us to be like Him in what we say, thereby, framing our own world around us with our words too. Our saying will reshape our doing.

[Romans 12:2] Be not conformed to this world; be you transformed by renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that, acceptable,and perfect, Will of God.

Based on these scriptures  the Challenge is this  are you willing to suspend all present belief, ideas and concepts for 30 days.   Watch  the videos  3 times daily for 30 Days . Do not try and figure out how it is working or why. Do not outline how  things are going to change or come about. This is not your job nor is it part of  the Challange. Your only function is to watch the videos and observe what happens not how it happens.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain so give it a whirl and see what happens. Others have proved the value of  transforming the mind. There is only one way that the mind can be transformed and that is by planting new ideas, new concepts, new beliefs structures.

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