Law of Attraction - How it works

The Law of  Attraction

·    What is  the Law of  Attraction?

·    How  does  it  work?

·   How  do  I  get it to work for Me?

So many are  working  to  understand  The Law of  Attraction  and yet  it  appears  as  IF  it only works for  a  few  and  not  everyone. If  there  really  is  this  Law  of  Attraction  Why  is  NOT working for everyone who seeks  to  apply it?  Few are understanding  HOW  to Get this law to Work for  them.

So  it is  important to  first  have  an  understanding of  what  this Law is and how it works.  Without this  nothing  that is said about  The Law of Attraction will make any sense.

Most  people have never  stopped to even  think  about  how they would  like to live.  Few  ask the questions

  • ·  What is My Life’s  purpose  
  • ·  What  am  I here to  Do
  • ·  Who  am I
  • ·  What  Do  I  want ?
  • ·  Others  have  found  and Lived  their Dreams  WHY NOT ME ?

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The Peace that Transends all Inharmonies

The Peace that Transcends all InHarmonies.

Where do we find the Peace that Reigns Supreme at the Center of our Being ?

Is there a method by which we can just let go and find that we are already all that our heart desires to be ?
In this world there is so much turmoil and unrest. So much that we simple do not yet understand. There are so many different ideas of what is right and what is wrong. So many different philosophies which are of course just individual opinions. Where does one begin? How does any individual find that center of Peace within; where all Desire is Fulfilled? In this world it appears there is always the Spiritual Way verses the human way.

What exactly is the Spiritual Way ?
For Your Reading Pleasure More Essays of Peace

Discovering Our Life's Purpose

Re - Discovering Our Life's Purpose is what this blog is all about.

In todays world it seems that many are struggling just to survive. It appears that mankind as a whole has lost the vision and meaning of Living a Life that is filled with Love, Joy, Peace, Harmony and Purpose.

It is with this in mind that writing this Blog and sharing Rich New Creative Ideas Came about. Ideas that will go forth and serve as ray of Light and Blessings to those that find their way to this blog.

It is very important for each of us to re-discover our Life's Purpose.
For many this sounds impossible.

To read the rest of the article click Here

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