
With the courage of God I take charge of my life.
Though I cannot control every circumstance in my life. I can choose my perception and response in every situation. My only challenge my be my own fear-based thoughts of lack and limitation. When I courageously decide to look at things differently. I realize I have all I need to overcome any seeming difficulty.

I affirm this Truth " The Presence and Power of God are with me and within me always." In God I have qualities and resources, the strength and courage to take charge of my thoughts and life. I claim and realize the good in every situation. Blessed with the power to choose how I show up in life, I am confident and courageous every day.

( Be strong and of good courage, and act. Do not be afraid or dismayed; for the Lord God, my God, is with you.)1 Chronicles 28:20

Excuses Are for the Weak

If you’ve ever used excuses to avoid taking action on something you wanted to do, you were likely laboring under an illusion.

Excuses can seem incredibly strong and valid at times, to the point where we end up believing they are absolute truth. However, excuses can not only cause us to miss out on a few opportunities, they actually have the power to destroy our lives if we let them.

When we continually talk ourselves out of doing things we want to do, we create a powerful downward spiral of decreasing opportunities, dwindling abundance, and diminishing self-respect. Ultimately we end up being an empty shell of the person we could have been.

Don’t let your excuses destroy your life! Excuses are for weak-willed individuals who have no desire or willingness to grow and develop themselves. They have talked themselves out of creating the lives they truly want, and they will not budge from where they are right now unless a life crisis forces them to.

Is this you? Or would you rather be someone who laughs at limitations and faces their fears head on?

If you are in the habit of buying into excuses, you probably utter phrases like these often:

“I can’t . . .”
“I don’t have the talent . . .”
“I wouldn’t be strong enough . . .”
“I’m too old . . .”
“I don’t have enough time . . .”
“I don’t have the money . . .”
“I don’t have the brains . . .”
“I’m not good at . . .”
“It would be too hard . . .”
“It’s nearly impossible for someone like me . . .”

How many times have you said things like this? They are excuses, plain and simple.

Here’s the worst part: even if an excuse actually holds some merit, like if you really don’t have enough money to go back to school or start a business – the excuse itself prevents you from even TRYING or working toward the goal in some way. Just because you don’t YET have the money, time, talent, courage, or whatever . . . does not mean you won’t have it at some future time. It doesn’t mean that you can’t save up until you have it, or work on it little by little.

Here’s the good news: if you refuse to believe in excuses, they suddenly cease to be true.

Starting today, take a good hard look at your own excuses. Are they really true, or have you been fooling yourself because it seems easier than shattering the illusion?

If you question the beliefs you hold about yourself and your capabilities, you might be surprised to learn that you’ve been held hostage by excuses. But since YOU formed the excuses, you can easily dismantle them too, one step at a time, one faulty belief at a time.

When you begin doing this even in small ways, you begin to develop greater strength and empowerment within yourself, and your whole life will begin to shift and change in miraculous ways.

The Purpose of Using Affirmations

In keeping with the traditions of Spiritual principle.It is important to always remember;

Proverbs: 23 :7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.
Proverbs: 23 :16 Yea, my reins shall rejoice, when thy lips speak right things.

We must each learn how to speak words that create within ourselves the Feeling of Peace and Joy because without these two things our individual lives become as nothingness. Empty without hope.

Affirmations do not change circumstances.
Affirmations change individual attitudes about circumstances.

No can change what is. We can only change how we feel about what is. When the Soul is filled with the Spirit of Peace and Joy and there is the attitude of Rejoicing, something happens by which we know not how. The Spirit of Rejoicing changes appearances. How this happens no one knows. It can only be known that it does happen.

The secret of creating anything is GET HAPPY. As you practice happy thoughts, your connection with The Father within you. The Creative Energy that is the Source Cause of all that is made manifest ( visible) and all that is not yet made manifest ( visible).

First things first: Your mission is to first GET HAPPY

Suggested Affirmation for today is:


Make this affirmation when you first wake up and all through out the day. When things appear to be getting hectic or out of control. Remember the affirmation and remember you DO have a Choice in how you choose to see things. Even when you do not think you do – you do. You cannot change the past or the future except by changing your thoughts (how you feel about the past or the future.)

All thoughts are just unspoken words. But still very powerful in how your days go.

Learn to mindful of your thoughts all through the day. While it may be so that there does not appear to much to Get Happy about. The fact remains it is a must if you ever expect to change your life and raise your standards of living. This is not just a principle for some and not others it is the same principle for everyone no matter what nationality or faith.

We all live in a world of chaos where there is plenty to complain about and even sometime fear. So learning to Get Happy is not something that comes naturally to any one. Learning to Get Happy is a skill that must practiced over and over just like learning to play the piano or any other skill like driving a car or how to use computers.

In order to practice learning a skill we must be aware that is something we do not yet know how to do but would very much like to learn. I personally have never met one individual who says that he/she does not desire Peace and Happiness.

The word HAPPY is just a thought nothing more nothing less. But when your FEEL Happy you experiencing the Word. You did not create the word you just are experiencing it.
John 1-3: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (2) The same was in the beginning with God. (3)All things were made by him; and without him without him was not any thing made that is made.

Nothing is about you changing things, other than learning how to think Happy Thoughts. Remember; thoughts are just unspoken words. Our individual thoughts are invisible to the world. But never invisible us. It does take a genius to see the how most of the world thinks. Just look around you.

So your mission for today should you decide to accept it is GET HAPPY.

The world will still be here nothing will have changed except you. When you GET HAPPY it changes the world around you.

Always in the Name to Love, Light, Blessing and Truth

Geneva Gallander LMT,NMT,RFT,NC,CRA,PLT,OA

Todays Thought -- I Savor God's Blessing

Today is the perfect day to appreciate the many blessings in my life. I pray the prayer of thanksgiving, expressing gratitude for each beloved family member and friends, each special tradition, each lovingly prepared meal.

Whether I am enjoying a Thanksgiving or a quiet meal,I stop for a moment to give thanks for my sustenance,for the opportunity to serve and for another day of health and well-being. I give thanks for this day as a day of peace,a day of oneness, a day of celebration and a day of love. I am blessed beyond measure.

"You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord you God, who has dealt wondrously with you" Joel 2:26