The Law of Attraction
· What is the Law of Attraction?
· How does it work?
· How do I get it to work for Me?
So many are working to understand The Law of Attraction and yet it appears as IF it only works for a few and not everyone. If there really is this Law of Attraction Why is NOT working for everyone who seeks to apply it? Few are understanding HOW to Get this law to Work for them.
So it is important to first have an understanding of what this Law is and how it works. Without this nothing that is said about The Law of Attraction will make any sense.
Most people have never stopped to even think about how they would like to live. Few ask the questions
- · What is My Life’s purpose
- · What am I here to Do
- · Who am I
- · What Do I want ?
- · Others have found and Lived their Dreams WHY NOT ME ?
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